alles Eitle - Computer - filme - Webs - Kinderkram - Flipperhühn - Tiere - Startseite

eitle customers sites

Here you can see websites which where created by chronologig decreasing orderd:

Karl Landsteiner Institut

Status online
Created in August 2015
Construction simple HTML
Technology HTML
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 Pixel
Graphics from „eitle Webs“
Code from „eitle Webs“

Just an save the date site.

Gartengestaltung Markus Mahrer

Status online
Created in October 2014
Construction simple HTML
Technology HTML
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 Pixel
Graphics from „eitle Webs“
Code from „eitle Webs“

Simple Website after exact customers wishes.

Circus Dominik Brumbach

Status online
Created in July 2011
Redesigned since February 2012
Construction Frameset
Technology HTML with PHP code
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"

Special photodesign with gray scales and colored elements.

After the unexpected death of Dominik Brumbach in a car exitend the circus and website where canceled.

In memory of him and his great circus we are hosting the website in our webarchive.


Status offline
Created an May 2010
Redesigned -
Construction Frameset
Technology HTML with PHP code und JavaScript
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 Pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"
Specifics This is a website suggestion for Vocalchili. Not longer online.

Pfarre Neulengbach

Status online
Created in Febuary 2008
Redesigned -
Construction Frameset
Technology HTML with PHP code and MySQL access
Resolution at least 1024 x 728 pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"
Specifics Picutres, groups, appointments and information about persons are fully databased based. For the customer exists a web gui to administrate the information hisself.

Pöchacker & Haidegger

Status offline
Created in January 2005
Offline since September 2015
Construction Frameset
Technology HTML with PHP code
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"
Specifics Simple Website - offline since 2015 - available in our Webarchive.

Warenhandel Silvia Schöner

Status online
Created in July 2004
Redesigned -
Construction Frameset
Technology static HTML
Resolution at least 800 x 600 Pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"
Specifics This domain is not hostet by "eitle Webs".

Kinocenter Tulln

Status online
Created in August 2001
Redesigned in Aprill 2002
in March 2004
in January 2007
in October 2007
Construction Frameset
Technology HTML with PHP code and MySQL access
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"
Specifics The program is made by the customer in an excel worksheet which was created from us. From this worksheet a fax form for newspapers is created and the program exportet for the database from the website.

alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz

Status online
Created in August 2001
Redesigned in October 2002
in June 2006
January to December 2012
Construction Frameset (single subdomains)
Content System (subdomains since 2012)
Technology HTML with PHP code and MySQL access
Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixel
Graphics from "eitle Webs"
Code from "eitle Webs"

The site is redesigned since 2011 step by step and integrated in a self created content system.

There is no code from third partys.

The site can be shown with any browser since version 6 without limitations.

All sites since 2012 are existing in german and english.

A search function will be imlemented after complete redesign.