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eitle configuration - e-mail

If you are an experienced user, you just need the servernames:

POP and SMTP server:
username: the whole e-mail adress
password: the password of the corresponding user


Here you can see how to configure an e-mail client to use an e-mail adress hosted by eitle webs on the bases of „Microsoft Windows Live Mail 2011“ (we will call it "MWLM" from now on):

At first you have to call the function Rufen „Emailkonto hinzufügen“. In MWLM you have to click in the menuribbon on the register card „Konten“ and then in the field „Neues Konto“ the symbol „E-Mail“.



Now you can see a dialog like the one on the picture at the left. Insert the information in the tagged fields as described:

- field "E-Mail-Adresse": your e-mail adress like on the datasheet
  here as an example ""
- field "Kennwort": the password of the User A (B, C...)
  here as an example "geheim"
- activate (= check) the chek box
  "dieses Kennwort speichern"
- field "Anzeigename für...": type in your name
  here as an example "Stanislaus Maier"
- activate the check box
  "Servereinstellungen manuell konfigurieren"

Click "Weiter" to jump to the next dialog to put in server informations.




Now you can see the dialog "Servereinstellungen konfigureren" like in the picture at the left. Insert the information in the tagged fields as described:

- List box "Servertyp": select the entrie "POP".
- Field "Serveradresse" in the right pane (for the SMTP server):
  put in the server name "".
- Field "Port" in the right pane (for the SMTP server):
  put in the number "25".
- Activate the check box "Erfordert eine Authentifizierung".
- Field "Serveradresse" in the left pane (for the POP server):
  put in the server name "".
- Field "Port" in the left pane (for the POP server):
  put in the number "110".
- Field "Anmeldebenutzername": put in your whole e-mail adress
  here as an example ""

Make sure, that all other check boxes are unchecked and the the field "Authentifizierung mit:" the entry "Klartext" is selected.

Click "Weiter" to jump to the last dialog.







Click "Fertigstellen" to finish the process.


Note: We suggest to configure the account so, that received e-mails are automaticly deletet from the server to free mailspace for new messages. You can do that like described below:

Make a right click on the account name in the left pane of MWLM (it is above the word "Posteingang" and should be the same as your e-mail adress..

Click on "Eigenschaften" in the context menu.

Click on the register "Erweitert".

Deactivate the check box "Kopie aller Nachrichten auf dem Server belassen".

Click on "OK".