The name of your domain which you have ordered and which is registerd by as well configured on our server.
some examples: "" - "" - ""
The name of the Servers (= webserver) which is responsible for your domain.
usually it is the "EWS-0002"
The name of your group is necessary to identify your product.
some examples: "ew-00001" - "ew-00009" - "ew-00014"
The password which we will need if you like information or to change anything per phone.
some examples: "Wasserbauch" - "Goldhamster" - "Buchbergwarte"
The name of the masteraccount of your product. It is your FTP name as well.
some examples: "ew00001a" - "ew00009a" - "ew00014a"
The password of the masteraccount which is mentioned obove.
some examples: "hugo323" - "susi1983" - "abergeh98432"
The email adress of the masteraccount.
some examples: "" - "" - ""
In the same structure as User A exist - depending on your product - more other users.
These accounts have also usernames (some examples "ew00001b" - "ew00009f" - "ew00014d"),
passwords and an email adress like the masteraccount, but they are not able to use FTP.