eitle Terms and Conditions of Business
Version 2.0 from 2012-05-01
The conditions which were posted on the website from "Eitle Webs" (http://webs.eitle.at), are automaticaly accepted by the customer with any purchase or order.
The "eitle Terms and Conditions of Business" can be changed anytime without any advance notice by "alles Eitle".
"Eitle Webs" is very anxious, to do every job as best as possible. It is not our goal, to be the cheapest but to be one of the most dependable.
In the area of webdesign we are trying to create universal usable code, which is browserindepandable an plug-in-free as far as possible. We will not agree to do anything which is against our rules.
In the area of webhosting we try to be reachable failsafely as possible. However, we can not garantee that hosted content is reachable always, if there are linefailures or serious hardware breakdowns. "Eitle Webs" does not guarantee for any data or settings of customers, even if we do all our possible to prevent dataloss.
All hosted products have to be prepaid. Domaindeligations are done only on our name. After product canncellation and paiment of all outstanding bills, the domain will be transfered to the customer.
Product canncellations have to be announced 2 month before the appointed day in written form.
With January 1st, 2008 "Eitle Webs" does not do any goodwill work of any kind. The real work will be charged to the customer.
"Eitle Webs" does not help without charge by phone or remote control. Therefore new customers can only be served personally. Existing costumers can be served per phone or remote control and will be charged on there next regular invoice. |