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eitle configuration - general

With the order of an eitle hosting product, you will get a lot of information - including usernames and passwords like explained below.
With this information you can configure any functions of your product and client software on your computer.

Here you can find general information about the usernames and passwords. How to configure email and FTP clients, you will see on the following sites.

Name of the Domain

Name of the Servers

Name of your group

Telephone password

User A

Password A

Emailadress A

other users


The name of your domain which you have ordered and which is registerd by as well configured on our server.
some examples: "" - "" - ""

The name of the Servers (= webserver) which is responsible for your domain.
usually it is the "EWS-0002"

The name of your group is necessary to identify your product.
some examples: "ew-00001" - "ew-00009" - "ew-00014"

The password which we will need if you like information or to change anything per phone.
some examples: "Wasserbauch" - "Goldhamster" - "Buchbergwarte"

The name of the masteraccount of your product. It is your FTP name as well.
some examples: "ew00001a" - "ew00009a" - "ew00014a"

The password of the masteraccount which is mentioned obove.
some examples: "hugo323" - "susi1983" - "abergeh98432"

The email adress of the masteraccount.
some examples: "" - "" - ""

In the same structure as User A exist - depending on your product - more other users.
These accounts have also usernames (some examples "ew00001b" - "ew00009f" - "ew00014d"),
passwords and an email adress like the masteraccount, but they are not able to use FTP.